(American, August 19, 1902 – May 19, 1971)
.No Doctor's Today, Thank You
They tell me that euphoria is the feeling of feeling wonderful,
well, today I feel euphorian,
Today I have the agility of a Greek god and the appetitite of a
Yes, today I may even go forth without my galoshes,
Today I am a swashbuckler, would anybody like me to buckle
any swashes?
This is my euphorian day,
I will ring welkins and before anybody answers I will run away.
I will tame me a caribou
And bedeck it with marabou.
I will pen me my memoirs.
Ah youth, youth! What euphorian days them was!
I wasn't much of a hand for the boudoirs,
I was generally to be found where the food was.
Does anybody want any flotsam?
I've gotsam.
Does anybody want any jetsam?
I can getsam.
I can play chopsticks on the Wurlitzer,
I can speak Portuguese like a Berlitzer.
I can don or doff my shoes without tying or untying the laces because
I am wearing moccasins,
And I practically know the difference between serums and antitoccasins.
Kind people, don't think me purse-proud, don't set me down as
I'm just a little euphorious.
well, today I feel euphorian,
Today I have the agility of a Greek god and the appetitite of a
Yes, today I may even go forth without my galoshes,
Today I am a swashbuckler, would anybody like me to buckle
any swashes?
This is my euphorian day,
I will ring welkins and before anybody answers I will run away.
I will tame me a caribou
And bedeck it with marabou.
I will pen me my memoirs.
Ah youth, youth! What euphorian days them was!
I wasn't much of a hand for the boudoirs,
I was generally to be found where the food was.
Does anybody want any flotsam?
I've gotsam.
Does anybody want any jetsam?
I can getsam.
I can play chopsticks on the Wurlitzer,
I can speak Portuguese like a Berlitzer.
I can don or doff my shoes without tying or untying the laces because
I am wearing moccasins,
And I practically know the difference between serums and antitoccasins.
Kind people, don't think me purse-proud, don't set me down as
I'm just a little euphorious.
Ogden Nash, c. 1953
Photo: Kay Bel
Micsodás az eufória-érzés? érzés, mi csodás; nos máma euforiánus
vagyok, agilis, mint egy görög isten, s étvágyam viktoriánus,
igenis, ma tán sárcipő nélkül megyek ki,
ma kötekedő vagyok, mutassam-e, kezdjek kötni?
E napom boldog.
Ma égbolton dobolok, s mielőtt letolnak, kereket oldok.
Szelidítek egy karibút,
felékítek egy marabút.
Életem megörökítem memoárban.
Ah ifjúság! Mecsoda mecsoda eufória!
Ritkán forogtam budoárban,
inkább ott voltam, ahol van kaja.
Osztriga kell-e angyagyom?
Neked agyom.
Hajóroncs kell-e kedvetyem?
Majd partravetyem.
Mert nekem kínai fecskefészket játszik a Wurlitzer,
és úgy beszélek portugálul, akár a Berlitzer.
Cipőt húzok és vetek madzag nélkül, mert sarum mokasszin,
gyakorlatból tudom, miben különbözik szérum és antitokasszin,
Feleim, ne higgyétek, hogy fölvet a pénzem, nem vagyok gőg-glóriás,
csupán kicsikét eufóriás.
Weöres Sándor fordítása